How to Convert From Exchange EDB to PST For Free
Many reasons can prompt you to convert EDB files to PST. For example, you may have to move Exchange Server environment to a different email system, such as Microsoft Outlook or another email client that supports the PST format.You may also run the need to migrate mailboxes from Exchange Database to Office 365 or Live Exchange.
EDB to PST conversion can also be part of a data backup and archiving strategy. By converting EDB files to PST format, organizations can create backup copies of their Exchange mailbox data for long-term storage or disaster recovery purposes.
To fulfill any of these purposes, you may perform EDB to PST conversion through various methods. If the manual conversion of EDB to PST fails to work or you want to do it without hassles, Stellar Converter for EDB tool can be of much help. Let’s find out about these methods in detail right here:
EDB to PSTConversion through Exchange Admin Center (EAC)
Here are the steps to convert EDB files to PST with the help of EAC:
Sign in to your Microsoft Exchange Account
Navigate to Exchange Admin Center à Recipients à Mailboxes
Select the mailbox from which want to export the EDB file
Click More Option àExport to PST file
Provide the location to save the exported mailbox data and click Next
Select other features and check the managing mailbox emails option
Include other necessary features and make sure the option for managing mailbox emails is checked.
Click the Finish button.
Once you finish the conversion, you will get a notification for the same through Email and in the EAC toolbar
EDB to PSTConversionthrough a tool provided by Exchange Management Shell
Another way to convert EDB files to PST file is to use the tool given in the ExchangeManagement Shell.
Launch the Exchange Management Shell by using the PowerShell “New-MailboxExportRequest command.
Run the below PowerShell cmdlets next:
[New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox“” -FilePath” “”]
Give a title to the mailbox you want to transfer and provide a location where you want to extract the EDB file. e.g.,
[New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox -Charliemail CMPQA56-PC1PST DatCharlie.pst]
This will convert your EDB files into PST format but it may affect integrity of mailbox data during the conversion process.In addition, if you work on large amount of mailbox data then there is risk of error when performing complex manual procedures. To avoid such issues, using Stellar Converter for EDB software will be helpful.
EDB to PSTConversion using Stellar Converter for EDB
Download and install the Stellar Convertor for EDB tool for this link.
Launch the software to get two options in the resulting screen – Hosted Exchange and Offline EDBedb
Hosted Exchange will convert mailboxes of Hosted MS Exchange to PST
Offline EDB will convert mailboxes of unmounted EDB to PST
Proceed with the conversion depending on your requirements.
Using this software is advisable, as it can help you to convert offline EDB files and public folders to live Exchange Server or Office 365. All this is in addition to EDB to PSTconversion. Here is a glance at the features of Stellar Converter for EDB for EDB to PSTconversion.
Features of the Stellar Converter for EDB Tool
The Stellar Converter for EDB can convert online Exchange files from EDB to PST format without affecting other services.
There is no size limitation for EDB to PSTconversion; the files can be of any size.
Lets you extract mailboxes from Old EDB files and convertthem intoOutlook PST files
The software lets you open the old EDB files without requiring the need for Active Directory or ExchangeServer
Allows you to preview mailboxes and the contained items like attachments, contacts, tasks, calendars, notes, journals, etc.
Feature to convert the selected mailboxes as per your requirement
The tool can export offline EDB files tAnchoro Office 365 or Live ExchangeServer
It can expert both private and public folders from EDB to PST format
It supports all the ExchangeServer versions including 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003, 2000, & 5.5.
You may run the need to convert your Exchange EDB files to PST because of several reasons. The conversion can take place manually or with the help of a tool. When opting for manual conversion, you can do it with the help of the Exchange Admin Center (EAC) or through a tool given by Exchange Management Shell.
Alternatively, you may also seek the help of a tool such as Stellar Converter for EDB to perform EDB to PSTconversionfree. The company however also offers paid versions of the software depending on your requirements. Usingthis converter tool is advisable, as it does not affect your mailbox and its items. Moreover, the conversion is quick and hassle-free.
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